Automatically adding the featured image next to the post text

Homepage Community Forums Aspire Theme Support Automatically adding the featured image next to the post text

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      Is there any way to automatically add the chosen featured image of each post next to the text at the top of each post? Here is an example of what I mean:

      I’ve spent hours trying to search for a solution to this, by looking at code changes, setting pages or plugins that can do this, but I cannot find the answer.

      Could you help me please? It would be much appreciated, thank you.


        First (while on your Post or Page Editor), click the TEXT tab on top of the Content Field (right next to the Visual tab).

        Then click inside the top of the Content Text/Editor so the cursor shows up on the first line (where you add your text).

        Next, click the “Add Media” button.

        Select the image you want to use, and then look over to the right side where you’ll see “ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS”.

        Select the Alignment (in this case, select Right).

        Choose an Image Size and whether you want it to link to something.

        Now you can add your text right after the image…..unless you already have text. If you do already have text, just make sure it shows up after the image code.

        Click the Visual Tab or view the Post to see if it shows up.

        Let me know if that works.


          Thank you for your reply.

          What you suggested is something that I know how to do. The problem is that I would like a solution that adds the featured image there automatically. I use another theme on another website that has this functionality built in – I just click a button in the theme settings of that theme and all posts on that website automatically get the featured image added to the top right of the posts.

          Since I am going to post lots of post on my site I would like to have the same automatic setting, so that I don’t have to insert the featured image there manually to each post. Is there any way to do that (by changing theme code, using a plugin etc)?

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