Aspire Image Sizes?

Homepage Community Forums Aspire Theme Support Aspire Image Sizes?

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      I’ve been designing websites for many years, but I’m relatively new with WordPress. As a result, I’m trying to get a better handle on WordPress image sizes using the Aspire theme as an example. I see that the actual image size used for many of the Aspire demo pages and posts is 700px x 468px. I also see that the actual image size is 1024px x 683px.

      1. Is the reason you chose the 1024px size because that’s the image area of a full width Aspire page? If so, that would make sense. If not, please explain why you chose that size for your original images.

      2. How does all of this factor into Retina displays? I’ve read that Retina displays require images that are twice as large and Javascript code or a plugin to enable them. Is that correct?


        1. I just chose one of the largest sizes for the demo. It wasn’t done for any other reason than to make sure it’s large enough to fill the content area.

        2. You can read more about Retina images for Genesis here and here since the articles were created specifically for Genesis….Plus they can explain it much better than I can.

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