Subnavigation On Responsive Mode Not Responding

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  • #3537
    Charlie L


      I have the Legacy theme installed on a couple of sites and I noticed that when I try to access the drop-down child pages from the primary navigation on a mobile device, the sub nav is unresponsive and always sends me to the page that’s a part of the primary nav.

      Is there a way to fix this so the child pages respond to first drop down and then allow me to select which child page?

      I noticed this does not happen in responsive mode with two new Studio Press themes, Metro and Executive. They drop the child pages upon touching the primary nav and then I can select the child page and it takes me to that page. Not the case with Legacy (or Optimal for that matter).

      Again, just to be clear, when I touch a primary nav item containing child pages, the drop down works, the menu does drop but it immediately starts taking me to the page in the primary nav and repeats each time I try to access a child page. Very frustrating.

      Is there a way to fix this. It basically makes any child pages inaccessible from mobile devices.

      I tried it on a couple of mobile browsers; Opera, Maxthon, Droid default; all the same.



        Thats weird because it works fine for me with Legacy and Optimal. I just checked in all of the major browsers on my iPhone and an Android phone. If I click the arrow it opens up the sub menu, but if I click the link itself after that it opens up to whatever the link is. Is the arrow not working on your end?


          Actually, even when I click the link itself it still opens the subnav first, then it opens the link but only if I click the link again. It seems to be working fine for me.

          I just spent a few minutes testing on a few browsers from my phone itself (since responsive emulators aren’t exactly the same as an actual mobile device).

          Which version of Legacy are you using?

          Charlie L

            Hi Wes,

            I’, running Legacy 1.2. The odd thing is I tried it on all three mobile browsers installed on my Android and I’m getting the same response. The first tap simultaneously drops down the subnav menu while redirecting me to the primary nav link.

            Like I wrote previously, I thought it was strange so I tested all three mobile browsers on Metro and Executive themes to see if they responded the same and they did not. They responded the way you described Legacy is responding for you. Can’t think of why this may be doing this.

            How may I send you a link privately so that you can try it on your iPhone or Android. Also, I agree about the mobile emulators; they’re not always accurate. I use both Mobilizer and Opera Mobile Emulator which I have found to be the most accurate of all the emulators I’ve tried.

            Thanks for helping me with this, Wes.


            p.s. I really love working with Legacy and Optimal. They are both such gorgeous themes. Well done! 馃檪


              Thanks Charlie! Glad you like the themes!

              You can send the link to the contact form here –


                I just tested your site and it’s still working fine for me in multiple browsers. I’m not sure what to do since I can’t replicate the issue.

                Charlie L

                  No problem, Wes! Thanks you for looking into it. It’s likely a plugin conflict.

                  Thanks again!


                    You’re Welcome!

                    If you need anything else, just let us know!

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