Best Way to Create a Sortable Portfolio

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      I would like to build multiple portfolio pages on my site and want to add the ability for viewers to sort items on the page. For example, I’d have one portfolio for my photography, one portfolio page for my website design & development work, and one portfolio page for my graphic design work. I would like each portfolio page to have sortable subcategories. For instance, the photography portfolio would allow viewers to sort by type of photography such as Portrait, Architecture, Pet, and so on. The graphic design portfolio would allow users to sort by things like logo design, t-shirt design, direct mail design, etc.

      Is there are recommended way to do this with the Epik theme? I’ve looked into using Masonry, etc. I’d love your thoughts or recommendations on the best way to implement this.

      Thanks in advance!


        The portfolio template that comes with this theme is pretty basic, it doesn’t have a lot of features since it’s really just a blog designed in a portfolio style/format. If you need a portfolio with more features I always recommend searching for a plugin that has more options.

        The only customizations that you can do at the moment are featured here on the tutorials page – …if you need anything beyond that, then I’d just search for a plugin.


          Thanks. I’ll look for a plugin.


            You’re Welcome

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