Thumbnails – Used in Epik other than Portfolio?

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      Are thumbnails used anywhere within the Epik theme other than Portfolio pages?

      I’m trying to cut back on the number of generated images (after uploading ONE SINGLE image) to just “medium”, “large” and of course the original “full size” image.

      As a related question, I’m selecting fairly large images (1024×768) to use as my “Featured Image” image. Is there a redundancy issue here?

      If I don’t need “thumbnails” in Epik, I’d just as soon comment out the code that generates the other size images (especially thumbnails) to save disk space.

      I hope this question was clear.


        Yes the only thumbnails used from the theme is the portfolio…..all other thumbnails are from the Genesis Framework, and WordPress itself… you can comment out whatever you’re not planning to use.


          Thanks for the quick response Wes!

          How about this statement I made:

          As a related question, I’m selecting fairly large images (1024×768) to use as my “Featured Image” image. Is there a redundancy issue here?

          IOW should I manually create a smaller (320×240) image specifically for Featured Images or just continue as I’ve done above?


            I don’t think it would be an issue, but I wouldn’t know for sure, I just add that in since it’s the way WordPress and Genesis adds featured images. I know it works, but I don’t know exactly how.

            You can add whatever image sizes you want in the functions file (you may already know this)… just add the 320×240 and it should work as normal.

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