Shortcodes Overview

WordPress supports shortcodes which make it easy to display dynamic text elements on your website. These are brief text-based codes that can be added to certain sections of your site to show relevant information, such as a post’s date and time, author, and tags. Shortcodes are commonly used to customize the Entry Header for posts and the Credits line in the footer of your site.

For instance, if you set “Published by [author] on [date]” as the post byline on your blog, the shortcode [author] will display the user who published the post, and [date] will show the date the post was published.

WordPress comes with a range of useful shortcodes that can be used in various ways on your website.

Additionally, there are various Genesis-specific shortcodes that can also be utilized. To view a list of all these shortcodes, please refer to:

What are your feelings