Reply To: Customize Portfolio

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    ok they didnt look like that on the link. The issue with this is; because Epik is 1140px wide, you must have changed the width of your site to something larger. The portfolio page is set up for 4 columns thus each thumbnail section is 23% wide. 23% grows exponentially as the site width is widened. With that said, in the functions.php there is a thumbnail size section (3 lines) one in which is the size for the portfolio like 206×200 if you widened your site, using firebug find out how wide the 23% is it should show you in pixels on the screen. Then change the size in the functions.php file.

    You have to reload all your images because the theme itself makes the thumbnails according to the functions.php size. Or you can use a plugin to it.

    Hope that helps. As for the other part I havent figured that out yet.