Reply To: Header widget

Homepage Community Forums Legacy Theme Support Header widget Reply To: Header widget


    Hi Wes,

    OK, so now I am more then a bit embarrassed. Ever go to a doctor with a pain somewhere but by the time you got into the doctor’s office the pain was gone? So now, after a week of really difficult times with a distorted header, missing text and more… the Header is actually working now and I just don’t know why. I inserted an image-widget into the header widget and the image displayed correctly; then I added text into the widget and it didn’t distort the entire header which was happening; then I used html to change the text size & color and it also didn’t distort the header which happened yesterday again; then I removed the image-widget and replaced it with a text-widget and added html to change the text size & color and there it is sitting on my website and really Wes… I just don’t understand this at all. Things are settled down I guess…

    I really apologize because I’m not one to waste your time and I thank you for the time you’ve given to me. Now while I have your eyes here,

    I planned to upgrade Genesis to the latest version over the holidays when things get slow. I didn’t realize that there was a new version of Legacy until very recently. Is there any reason to upgrade my Legacy version to the latest version?

    Thank you Wes,
    Have an enjoyable Holiday Season and a successful New Year,

    Tom Dolan