Reply To: Add a mobile responsive "toggle" or "hamburger" menu to the Epik theme

Homepage Community Forums Epik Theme Support Add a mobile responsive "toggle" or "hamburger" menu to the Epik theme Reply To: Add a mobile responsive "toggle" or "hamburger" menu to the Epik theme


    Thanks for this detailed post!

    I’ve added code to a stock, current Epik theme and Genesis 2.0.1 just as you have it above (except changing CSS IDs as appropriate) & the targeted menu disappears at screen widths under 580px, but I’m not able to get the hamburger icon to appear.

    I’m seeing the following error and haven’t been able to figure out how the jQuery reference is to be made:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined (index):43
    (anonymous function) (index):43