Reply To: Archive Page

Homepage Community Forums Legacy Theme Support Archive Page Reply To: Archive Page


    Hi Eric,

    Well that brings me back to a question I have yet to resolve. When I look at the css code for Legacy, I see something like this for fonts: ‘Oswald’, ariel, helvetica, san serif. (maybe not exactly) This is listed at the top of the style sheet. So what I’ve tried to figure out, is how I work with that information.

    In this case, Wes provided some code to change the font & color of the Sidebar widget text. It worked, but it didn’t affect the Archive widget which I’d like to change. More importantly, I’d like to choose the font, and it’s size, color for the site. The control seems to be global but I don’t see clearly where it is.

    Can you point me in the right direction?

    Thanx Eric,
