Reply To: Changing the Order of the Posts

Homepage Community Forums Agile Theme Support Changing the Order of the Posts Reply To: Changing the Order of the Posts


    Hi Wes,
    Thanks for the prompt reply! The suggested plugin is the bee’s knees. I had actually tried Global Posts Ordering and another post ordering plugin without any success, but the one you have suggested is just so easy and it works. This is what makes WordPress and Genesis so good to use!

    One further question regarding the setting out of that page. I may want to start an image (content post) for a new term’s (quarter) work on a row below. I am assuming that Agile theme, in its current form, will tile the images across until it reaches the page width and then drop to the next row. Is there any other plugin or way to give you granular control over this? e.g. I may have content for 5 images in the first row, but then would like to start the next content image on the second row. Hope this makes sense Wes.

    Look forward to hearing from you with any suggestions you may have.

