Reply To: Extra space around header issue

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    Your image is only 1152px wide, so if anyone views your site on a browser that is wider than 1152px they’ll see whatever the background of your header is. The .head-wrap is what wraps around your header, and since you’re using the black color scheme it is set to show black. Line 2749 –

    .epik-black .head-wrap, 
    .epik-black .welcome, 
    .epik-black .home-feature-bg-dark, 
    .epik-black .author-box, 
    .epik-black .footer-widgets {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #111;

    So the only way to have the entire background of your header to be an image or color is to make edits to the .head-wrap

    You could change the min-height on line 1962 in your css like this if you wanted –

    .header-image .site-title a {
        float: left;
        min-height: 154px;
        width: 100%;

    and that would decrease a little bit of the space directly under the header (right above the nav). The nav section is black and each nav link has it’s own padding.

    Hope this helps.

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