Reply To: Genesis Responsive Slider Off Center

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    Hi, Eric –

    Thanks for the prompt reply. I’m confused by your advice…the demo of Optimal on the appfinite site features slider images that are 960×350. And the appfinite tutorial references the same dimensions.

    So which setting are you saying I should change to 1140? If you mean the slider display settings, that didn’t work, just moved the slider even further to the left. A larger image also made no difference and caused Optimal’s default bottom shadow (beneath the slider image) to be blocked. Not sure what other setting should be changed as part of the Optimal default install.

    I understand floats and centering and the Genesis Responsive Slider (which I’ve used successfully with StudioPress themes and my own custom themes). The point I’m trying to make is that the slider image on the home page of Optimal “appears” centered…and on my install I can’t get it to line up properly with the shadow image set to show up beneath it (default install image provided by appfinite).