Reply To: How Do I Change the Size of the Optimal Header Image?

Homepage Community Forums Optimal Theme Support How Do I Change the Size of the Optimal Header Image? Reply To: How Do I Change the Size of the Optimal Header Image?


    Related to this… current I am only using the main nav menu (just above the slider on the left side — not sure if that’s where it’s supposed to be given the demo menu is on the right side), and it is only populated during this test stage by posts that match a category.

    Directly above this area the Demo shows what looks ot be text based logo / brand item “Optimal Theme”

    The only widget I see in Appearance is “header right”. To make this work as a header graphic, do I need to create a graphic such that the logo or site name is left justified, then 900 px of empty pattern (or whatever I make the graphic look like), upload it, then place the URL in a text widget and place that widget in “Header Right”?

    How do I fill up the header logo area and make sure it justifies correctly (Left Center or Right?)