Reply To: My navigation does not show correctly when viewed on android phones…

Homepage Community Forums General My navigation does not show correctly when viewed on android phones… Reply To: My navigation does not show correctly when viewed on android phones…


    You should actually remove the height that you added for the .site-header –

    .site-header {
        margin: 0 auto;
        max-width: 1140px;
        height: 77px;

    Then remove the min-height for the #title link around line 1962 in your css file –

    .header-image .site-title a {
        float: left;
        min-height: 164px;
        width: 100%;

    That will fix your nav issue and will allow it to show back in the blue area again. The final step would be what I suggested in the other thread, which would be adjusting the padding for the top and bottom of that widget area….if you need to remove some of that space. This is what the end result will look like (don’t mind the part that says long island, that’s just a pop up from hovering over the link area) –

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