Reply To: Noob Alert: Need Help Replicating "Demo Site Home Page" Look

Homepage Community Forums Optimal Theme Support Noob Alert: Need Help Replicating "Demo Site Home Page" Look Reply To: Noob Alert: Need Help Replicating "Demo Site Home Page" Look


    I feel like a fool. Those widgets are exactly what I needed. For some reason, I was thinking you had to create a new PHP type document and put it into the PHP flow for WP to not do the “list of posts” thing. 馃檪 DOH! Anyway thank you for pointing that out. So related to this, to match the demo at the bottom we’d need “Genesis User Profile” inside of “Footer 1”, is that right? And the User Profile would feature a page that has all the social widgets (like those seen in the demo). Or, is that group of features “already built” inside a different genesis widget I have to download?