Reply To: Optimal update

Homepage Community Forums Optimal Theme Support Optimal update Reply To: Optimal update


    Thanks Wes! I had only checked your blog and scanned the top level of a couple forums to looking for the words “Genesis 2.0” but it’s great to hear all of those themes will be updated shortly. Was thinking about buying Legacy… basically Legacy is just Optimal without the “cut background” behind the slider, and without the featured product grid in the middle of the home page, right? Would it be a relatively trivial matter to make Optimal look just like Legacy or would I have to do a lot of digging around in the style sheet and PHP to make it work?

    [Edit – skip that last bit. I see the menus are shifted and somewhat different. At $18 on SP site, and all the work you put into these I’ll be buying Legacy regardless. 馃檪 Although I should learn how to do stuff like the above. Customizing themes is still not my strongsuit.]