Reply To: PrettyPhoto Stop Working, without updated.

Homepage Community Forums Ally Theme Support PrettyPhoto Stop Working, without updated. Reply To: PrettyPhoto Stop Working, without updated.


    Again, yes I am aware of your other issue. What I am saying is that the above suggestions will fix BOTH the issue here, and the other issue from the other thread.

    The reason the thread was closed was because you wrote this –

    “I am starting to be a little angry with the fact that I can’t get a real answer for my problem here, but I will try again

    This implies you are “trying again” by reposting the same issue. Some people do this when they want someone else to answer their question, which creates duplicate posts and makes the search clogged with multiple topics on the same issue…..thats the reason why those threads get closed. But please don’t look at it like what you did was a big deal or anything, because it’s not. There are many other people that have mistakenly done the same thing, trust me, No Worries 🙂 Thats why I asked you to have a look at the rules. Glad we cleared this up.

    So again, my recommendations above WILL fix BOTH of your issues. Let me know once you implement the suggestions so then I can follow up with everything else you’ll need to do for the other things you need.

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