Reply To: Widget area/box under single post

Homepage Community Forums Epik Theme Support Widget area/box under single post Reply To: Widget area/box under single post


    There is an approach without using widgets. It can be used to get a newsletter signup form.

    You can try the code in this article:

    It will not work as it is. You will need to make one change.

    The author of the techlila site has added this code at the end of the function:

    add_action ( 'genesis_after_post_content', 'add_newsletter_box', 10, 1);

    You will need to replace this line by:

    add_action ( ''genesis_after_entry_content'', 'add_newsletter_box', 10, 1);

    As far as I have understood, the hook name changed in the latest version of Genesis.

    What I am sure of is that it works in Genesis 2.0.