Adding a color – as easy as I think it is?

Homepage Community Forums Epik Theme Support Adding a color – as easy as I think it is?

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  • #5237

      Hi there! Lovin’ Epik soo much!

      I want to add brown as one of the color options. I see the color list in epik’s child css, and it seems pretty easy:

      add “-brown” within Section 23 of Epik’s style.css

      then add the specific hex code for the color as 23j, following the pattern found already in the style sheet. In other words, I’ll take

      /* 23i – Epik Red ———– */

      and turn it (and all the code following) into 23j; turn .epik-red to .epik-brown, get my good hexcode on, and then I’m all done.


      then, where do I tell Genesis to add in “Brown” into the dropdown menus so that brown will display within the dropdown at Genesis, Theme Settings, Color Style?

      Just need a little reassurance before I go messing around with your stylesheet, Wes. Woot!



        Add your new color in your functions.php file….you’ll see where the others are located.

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