Take a look at line 1498 in your style.css file and comment out the background-attachment: fixed;
line like this –
.front-page-12 {
/*background-attachment: fixed;*/
background-position: 50% 0;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;
This is actually an issue I’ve been working on with the demo as well. The next update will have that fixed automatically. Let me know if that fixes the issue on your end.
Also, please let me know once you get everything done. This looks incredible! Very well put together. I’d say this is one of the best customizations I’ve seen done with this theme so far.
I’d love to share this with everyone on Twitter if you’re finished with everything – http://twitter.com/WesStraham Just let me know!