Choosing a Siderbar

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      I am really new with wordpress and Genesis, and I am not sure if I can set a different siderbar for a page, let me explain.

      I have my Primary Siderbar Widgets in which I added two different pages using Genesis Feature Pages (1 and 2). On the other hand in my Secondary Siderbar Widgets I added two other pages (3 and 4), so far so good, but I would like to put the Primary Siderbar in a X page and the Secondary Siderbar in a Y page, but I can’t because neither of my layout setting in my page allows me to choose which siderbar I want in that page, is it?

      Any advise.


      PS. My page is under-construction that is why I can provide a link.


        On your page editor, look at the bottom of the page and you’ll see the different layouts you can choose from for each page.


          Probably i didn’t explain myself correctly but my point is if I choose the layout for example, sidebar – contents or contents – sidebar, the sidebar that alway show is the primary, unless I choose sidebar – contest – sidebar or any other option with both sidebar at the same time but no option for customize primary or secondary.


            Yeah thats just the way the Genesis Framework is designed. It’s not due to the child theme.

            I remember seeing someone offer some code that would enable you to switch it I think.

            So what exact order are you trying to have everything appear?


              Thank you for your answer, I only want to be able to put two feature page on the right and other two in the left, but I don’t want show all of them in all at the same time, so I want to choose between primary and secondary, in each page, but I will post my question in the genesis site, probably I have better luck.

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