Home page background image distortion on FOLLOW ME theme

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  • #7753

    Hi there,

    I love the way everything works on the theme. A few issues with responsiveness…

    1.The way the home page image distortion — when the screen becomes larger/smaller depending on the device.

    2. Can I remove the “RETURN TO TOP OF PAGE” bar on mobile devices? It takes up like 1/2 of a mobile window, and there’s no need for it on mobile device because you can see the entire page anyway.

    Here’s my website if any reference is needed:

    Thanks so much for all the great themes. I’ve bought three from you, and I’m a big fan of your work.

    One last question: Will you be updating the FOLLOW ME theme to HTML5?



      I have a background image plugin that I linked to in the Read Me file. I’m using this plugin on the demo, so I would install that and see if that makes it look a little better.

      Do you want to remove the entire footer section on mobile devices or just that particular link/section?

      Yes I will definitely be updating the Follow Me theme for Genesis 2.0/HTML5. I’m actually going to be updating all of my themes very soon. I have about half of them done so far.



      Thanks for your quick reply.

      I’ll try the plugin for the background.

      I’d prefer if there was a thinner footer section w/o the RETURN TO TOP — that way it keeps the look of the web version. I don’t mind if the entire footer is wiped out on the mobile version, if that works better.

      Looking forward to the new HTML5 versions.

      Thanks again,


        yeah the Return to top won’t show up in the new version since it’s not in Genesis. If you want to do it now, just add “display: none” to the – “.gototop” class and add it to your responsive section.


        Hi Wes,

        I’m still not getting the responsive effect on the background. I tried the Full screen background image plugin, and it still distorts the image.

        What I’m looking for is something responsive. Like the way my slider is resized when I use the Genesis Responsive Slider, which actually resizes the image and doesn’t just stretch it. I looked through the WordPress.org plugins and couldn’t find anything that had background + responsive.

        Thanks again,


          That plugin is the one I’m using on the demo. As you can see here – http://demo.appfinite.com/followme/ it’s responsive and doesn’t get distorted. If you can’t find any other plugins, than you can manually do it by using a tutorial. I did a google search and came across a few –




          …and there are many more you can find by searching “How to make background images responsive”. Although, it should work with the plugin I have in the Read Me….I’ve never had an issue with it on the sites I’ve tested it on.

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