Homepage › Community Forums › Optimal Theme Support › How do you upgrade to Optimal 1.3
Tagged: child theme, install, Optimal, upload
Hi Wes,
I’m wondering why Optimal isn’t prompting me to update from 1.2.1 to 1.3.
Is it me, or is it better to wait until some bugs are ironed out?
No Child themes don’t have update notifications. That’s the Genesis Framework you’re probably thinking of.
The reason why child themes don’t have automatic updates is because some people make edits to the style.css file to change their design. If they received an automatic update it would overwrite all of those changes/design and replace the file with the newest version. So that’s why you would have to manually install the updated versions of child themes. The Genesis Framework has update notifications because most people don’t make edits to it since they use a child theme on top of it. Does that make sense?
Have you made any customizations to your css stylesheet? If not, then you can go ahead and download the newer version and replace it with your current install. Please make sure and backup/save a copy of your current theme and settings if you need to just in case something goes wrong (to be on the safe side).
You may already know all of this, but I wanted to post in case anyone else is wondering.
Let me know if you have any questions about this.
I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested – ericsanchez1585@gmail.com
Hi Erik,
Thanks for your very informative answer. Now I have another question: Where do I find the Optimal zip file?
Thanks again.
You download it from your account page. If you purchased from StudioPress you would need to login and download from there – http://my.studiopress.com
If you purchased from appfinite then login here – https://appfinite.com/my-account …you can also login from the forum page and then go to your account link.
I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested – ericsanchez1585@gmail.com
I have 1.2.1 installed, downloaded 1.3 > go to “Install Themes” > “Upload” > grab file > optimal.zip > Install Now > and I get:
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
Destination folder already exists. /home1/telwin/public_html/tobyelwin.com/wp-content/themes/optimal/
Theme install failed.
– See more at: http://www.tobyelwin.com/wp-admin/update.php?action=upload-theme#sthash.NnKuRBt5.dpuf
That’s because you already have it installed, you would need to delete it (backup first) then upload the newer version. You can also overwrite it using FTP…..either way works.
I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested – ericsanchez1585@gmail.com
Yes, 30 minutes ago I realized I should delete it and do a clean install. But this theme upgrade does not look as clean as prior. I dumped it and went back.
How do you keep CSS work when you upgrade?
The new version is 10 times better and cleaner than the first one. You probably just need to readjust or move some things back in place or something. If I had both, I definitely wouldn’t use the older version.
For the css, I’m not sure the best way to do it, you’d have to ask Wes something like that since it’s his themes…..unless someone else here has a suggestion.
I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested – ericsanchez1585@gmail.com
I upgraded to 1.3, now my images are huge, for example my books page images are set, within the page, at 185 X 278 – but they are huge on the page. What happened to images and the ability to modify the size within the page/post.
Also having trouble with portfolio page alignment, any suggestions for these two:
Organization Behavior
Take a look on line 317 in your css and remove the height…that should be enough, just let me know if it doesn’t change.
img {
height: auto;
width: auto;
See this for the portfolio – https://appfinite.com/topic/portfolio-not-lining-out-on-the-left-side/#post-7496 if you implement that code and run into an issue, please create a separate thread (since there’s a One question per thread rule) and we can get it fixed….plus I don’t want @shookfoil to keep getting emails everytime we reply to each other (since everyone apart of a thread receives email notifications everytime there is a reply).
I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested – ericsanchez1585@gmail.com