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If you look at he welcome message section I have changed the background color to white. What I want is to have it reach full width to both sides but keep the content within the current section.
You’ll have to look at your home.php file and change the area that looks like this –
add_action( 'genesis_loop', 'optimal_home_loop_helper_middle' );
add_action( 'genesis_loop', 'optimal_home_loop_helper' );
^ and change “loop” to “after_header”.
All of the content is placed inside of the #inner id, which has a width of 960px and won’t allow anything to go beyond it. Changing the above code removes it from the #inner div so that you can go in and add or remove space, etc.
I would also recommend using the new version, 1.1. “Responsive” features were added plus much more. Backup your files first, or start from scratch if you do.
2 questions:
1. I got that to work, but my bottom featured posts section is spread out to, but when I make a width it effects my home bottom message section. I am assuming I need to seperate them in the home.php?
2. Where do I get the new version 1.1?
It looks like the message section and the bottom widgets are all under the same div called “home-bottom”. First you’ll want to separate them into 2 different div containers so they don’t effect each other. Take a look at your home.php file and make the changes from there. You will probably have to create an extra div or two.
The way you would set up the “message” section is to have the outer div first, (which would be the white background) then the second div which would be the inner part (the text). The second div should have “margin: 0 auto;” and “width: 960px;” to make it centered inside the outer div (1st div/white background).
You would of course make these changes in your home.php file. Make sure and take a look at what is already there like the echo '<div class="home-bottom">';
– (open tag) and echo '</div><!-- end #home-bottom -->';
(close tag) and reference these for an example on how its done.
Try and use the link you were sent to your email to re-download the theme. If that doesn’t work, I’ll have to send it to you.
for some reason I am stuck on this, I have been going round and round. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?
Also, can you forward me the new version of optimal, can’t find it in my emails
You’re almost there. You just need to add a div under the “home-bottom-message” div in your home.php file. Maybe you can call it “home-bottom-message-wrap”. Then style “home-bottom-message-wrap” with margin: 0 auto; width: 960px;
So look for this in home.php and add the “home-bottom-message-wrap” next to “home-bottom-message” like this –
echo '<div class="home-bottom-message"><div class="home-bottom-message-wrap">';
then look for the closing tag (which should already be there) and add the “home-bottom-message-wrap” next to it like this –
echo '</div><!-- end .home-bottom-message --></div><!-- end .home-bottom-message-wrap -->';