Slider Widget Area not working

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      Just bought Optimal today and already facing a strange problem. Nothing goes into the Slider Area correctly. I have tried placing the Genesis Slider, a text widget with an image inserted via html, a text widget with only the word “text” included, and a recent posts widget. In each case the content appears to the left side and above the slider widget area. Below the content (whatever it is) the words “Slider Section” appear twice: once as a centered title in large type and once in a smaller centered version below the large version.

      In other words, anything I add via a widget into the slider section gets served on the page BEFORE the slider section.

      Help would be appreciated.


        Do you have a link to your site so I can see what’s going on?


          The site is offline right now, but here is the source code if that helps:

          <!DOCTYPE html>
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          In this attempt I used a text widget to insert the following:


          I have tried with and without checking the box that auto applies paragraphs.


            Fixed it. There was a widget placement conflict involving a previous child theme.

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