Trouble using genesis_before_header Hook

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      I’m trying to place an image and list of social media icons before the header. Ideally, these would float over white.

      Unfortunately, it seems to be sitting inside the header instead of outside of it. Also, if the browser opens too wide, the header turns sideways into a very thin strip separating the image from the icons and looking insane. But you have to open up the browser wide to see the behavior.

      Here’s the link:

      Here’s a snap shot in case you can’t see it happening:
      <IMG SRC=”;

      How I got here:

      Using Genesis Simple Hooks I’ve added this code to the genesis_before_header Hook field:

      <div class="feature-left">
      <img src="" alt="jokeandbiagio">
      <div class="feature-right">
      <div class="demo">
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      Thanks for any help.



        There is so much going on in the header I’m not quite sure how to help…..I can’t tell what its supposed to look like since everything shows up scattered on my end (I’m using a Mac ).

        To answer your original question regarding the genesis_before_header hook… could try adding a priority if its not showing up in the order that you want.

        I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested –


          Thanks, Eric. I’m also on a Mac. If you take your browser and make the window a little smaller, it will all “snap” into place. I’m googling the priority thing now, but if you can take a peek with a smaller window and see if that gives you any isight that would mean the world.



            For the priority, here is an example –

            before –
            add_action( 'genesis_before_header', 'genesis_do_subnav' );

            after –
            add_action( 'genesis_before_header', 'genesis_do_subnav', 1 );

            notice I added a comma at the end and the number “1”

            I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested –

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