There are 2 ways to add code in the Header or Footer using Genesis. (The ways to do this will be the same for Aspire or any Child theme you use since it’s all based on the Genesis Framework. )
1st: Go to the Genesis Theme Settings page and scroll until you see a section called “Header and Footer scripts”. You can add your code in the Header box. Before you do, check the code to make sure it’s already set up for this.
The 2nd way it can be done is by adding the code to your functions.php file and manually hooking it into the header. FTP is recommended for this and anytime you make modifications to a PHP file.
Make sure everything is backed up. Also make sure there is no error in the code when you add it in.
If you already have the code ready and want me to take a look, just let me know. If all you need to do is copy/paste, I can test it right quick to make sure it won’t cause any errors.
Let me know if this helps.