Here are some basic instructions on installing the Genesis Responsive Slider. This plugin was created by StudioPress and is located here –
Installing the Genesis Responsive Slider from the WordPress administration area:
- In your WordPress admin area, go to the plugins section –
- Then click the “Add New” button at the top of the screen to add a new plugin.
- In the search box type Genesis Responsive Slider and press enter.
- On the next screen the Genesis Responsive Slider will appear, click Install Now.
- The plugin will automatically be installed, when it is done, click Activate Plugin at the bottom.
Installing the Genesis Responsive Slider by FTP:
- Upload the Genesis Slider folder via FTP to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Then go to the plugins section in your WordPress backend – and activate the plugin.
Setting up the Genesis Responsive Slider
In your admin area, if you look under the Genesis menu, you will see “Slider Settings” Once you click the link, you will see all of the settings for the Genesis Slider. From here you can configure your settings.
Here are some basic settings that you can start off with.
(you can adjust to fit your theme if needed)
Transition Settings –
Time Between Slides (in milliseconds): 4000
Slide Transition Speed (in milliseconds): 500
Display Settings –
Slider Width (in pixels): 1140
Slider Height (in pixels): 350
For the excerpt settings, we have this unchecked so that the slider shows the image only. However, you can always use this to display the content in your posts or page.
Adding the Genesis Responsive Slider to your homepage
To add the Genesis Responsive Slider to your homepage, you will need to go to your widgets section Then look for the Genesis Responsive Slider widget, and drag this to the widget/sidebar titled “Slider” on the right (or wherever you would like it to show).