If you would like to get started by installing the Theme Demo Content onto your own site, then you can do so by importing that same content from an XML file. The XML file needed to replicate the demo is included in every theme, and can easily be uploaded using the WordPress Importer plugin.
Locating the XML File
To access the XML file, first you’ll need to extract the theme’s zip file (the theme that you downloaded) to your computer. Once you’ve extracted the zip file on to your computer, open it up and you’ll see a folder labeled XML. The XML file is inside this folder. Keep access to this file ready as you’ll need it when it’s time to upload to the WordPress Importer Plugin (or whichever Import plugin/service you choose to use).
Next, you’ll need to install and activate the WordPress Importer plugin in order to import the XML file.
Here are the Steps
- Log into your blog as an Administrator.
- Go to Tools → Import in the blog’s Admin panels/side menu.
- Choose “WordPress” from the list and click the “Install Now” button in the modal window for the WordPress Importer plugin.
- Activate it by clicking the “Activate Plugin & Run Importer” link,
- Upload your XML file using the form provided on that page.
- You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the blog. For each author, you may choose to map to an existing user on the blog or to create a new user.
- WordPress will then import each of the Posts, Pages, Comments, and Categories contained in the uploaded file into your blog. In addition, you can import attachment by checking the “Download and import file attachments” option.
You should get a confirmation once everything has been imported successfully.
If you need instructions on how to access the file for the Home Page widgets, this can be found on the Documentation page of the Theme you purchased.
So head over to your Theme’s Documentation page, and you will see the file needed to upload and a link to the plugin needed to get everything setup for the Home Page automatically.