Perfect. Thanks Wes. I overlooked that part. Everything is looking good now.
That’s almost got it. The logo looks great, but the nav menu is now aligning below the logo and to the right. I tried adding the !important element to the float, but that didn’t have any affect.
Got it. Thanks. I may start another thread about changing the logo and nav alignment if you have time. Feel free to close this thread.
That works. Thanks Wes. Can’t wait to see the new theme, you just keep putting out some fantastic ones!
One more question. I noticed in the stylesheet there is a ‘home feature’, ‘home bottom’, ‘home sidebar’, and ‘home message’ section, but there aren’t any widgets for those areas. Is that just leftover/recycled code from your base theme, or are those sections actually being used for something that I’m missing?
Wow, that actually worked. So from here, how do I keep the content/expert/title/etc. from displaying on the homepage? I’m trying to get the site to look similar to this Tumblr site:, so the only think that needs to display is the featured image.
How do I keep the content from displaying there? I only want the featured image to show on the homepage. Here’s the site I’m working on:
Also, is there a way to filter what category displays on the homepage?
Ok, thanks. If you run across a way to that, let me know. That would make the theme even better! Thanks again for your help.
Got it! Sweet. One (hopefully) last question. Is there a way to make the header right (left) widget area show up at the bottom of the content when viewing on a mobile device? Currently when I shrink the browser the Facebook page (or any other widget) displays below the title but above the navigation and content. I think it would look much better if it shifted below. What should I change in the responsive code to make it do that?
Wow, I feel stupid! Of course that’s where it would be pulling from!
I tried removing the “clear: both”, but it didn’t have any effect on the nav layout. Where would you recommend starting to change it from vertical to horizontal?
So I removed that section and added in the following: /** Reposition the primary navigation */
remove_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'genesis_do_nav' );
add_action( 'genesis_before_content_sidebar_wrap', 'genesis_do_nav' );
For some reason, there is a search bar showing up on the right side of the “header” area and I have no idea where it’s pulling from since I don’t have a search widget inserted anywhere. Check it out here.
Obviously I still need to do some CSS work to get the nav to look right, but is there a theme whose code you would recommend copying any pasting over to get the nav to align horizontally across instead of vertically as it is now?
Thanks Wes, worked like a charm!