Hi Andy,
Well I attempted to Comment yesterday but couldn’t get an open Comment form. Just as well because your 2nd set of Code worked very well. Adjusted the Radius down to 5 and got the result I was looking for. Thank you so very much for your follow-thru.
BTW, I thought I saw a note that you’re in the SF Bay area. I very well might be relocating there after the New Year. So if in fact you’re in the area, I’d like to Thank you for all the assistance you’ve provided here… meet for a Coffee or something. If you’d consider that possibility, contact me thru my website: tom@tomjdolan.com
Thanx again Andy…visit the site and see your “Buttons” 🙂
Hi again Andy,
I returned to the Forums today with a related question to our thread and discovered it’s still open. So Maybe you get this and maybe you don’t but I’ll ask anyway.
After the last go-round with the nav bar, I decided to make a major visual change, which you can see if you visit. I wanted to simplify the appearance and also add a bit of color besides the Red-Black-Grey scheme. anyway, I was wondering:
The Green highlighted Pages on the Nav Bar are simple looking rectangles…a bit rough for my taste. So I’m wondering, can I, without creating a migraine, add a radius of some sort to round the corners of the Green rectangles when they’re selected?? Possible??
Hello Andykev,
The black button outline is what I wanted to eliminate. Late last nite while poking around the CSS code I discovered another element that I could change from black to dk red. I changed it and it worked. The element, if that’s what it’s called, is: .menu li {
I may even further darken the Red…but anyway thanx for all your interest & suggestions. And, btw I also use Firefox as a backup to Safari. I’ll checkout their inspector again. I’ve looked at it but never thought I needed to know about it… I’ll look again.
So, from Tokyo to wherever, Thanx Andykev:-), Tom
Hi Andykev,
I appreciate your interest. The line of code you reference is not the issue in this case. You are referring to the Top Border of the Nav Bar which is white and I’m happy with that. I am talking about the vertical black lines between the page choices on the Nav bar: Home – Blog – etc. They are black and produce a “button” appearance on the Nav bar and that look is more pronounced on the Mobile site. Anyway,
Thanx for your interest. BTW, how exactly do you know the Line is number 331? How do you locate that line number…where is it?
Thank you again Andykev, Tom
Hi Andykev,
Thanx for your interest. Sure here’s a link:
When I first began this website journey, I really knew nothing about it. Finally discovered I could achieve most of the desired results thru CSS. Even recorded the changes I made so I could revert them if necessary, which often was the case. Apparently I didn’t record that change. Structurally, I’ve left the site alone for quite awhile, but every now and then I like to “adjust” something. Any suggestions always Welcome!
Hi Jessy,
Thanx so much, easier than I thought. Worked so well I used the same technique to rework the Nav Bar just below the Header:-)
Hi scooby,
Thanx for the response. To clarify my situation: I use arial throughout the site and only want to add a new font, not remove the arial which I chose as my site-wide font. Here is the CSS code for my Header Title font:
#title {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 45px;
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 1px;
line-height: 1.75;
margin: 20px 0 0;
BUT, when I look at the CSS Editor, the very first entry at the Top of the editing code is this:
/* Import Fonts
———————————————————— */
So I’m wondering if this is where I should put the new Google font code? It’s been several years since I removed the Oswald code and I don’t remember if it was located in this space or not. What do you advise?
Thanx again, Tom
Hi Jessy,
It’s not one logo, it’s several, about 12-15 arranged on a page in Pages. I would like to reconfigure that page-look sitting in the middle of my webpage into a Banner-like image with the logos in a horizontal display rather than in a vertical display. I would like it to stretch across the area under the Header and above the text and sidebar…if possible.
I don’t know the available width to build upon. I can choose a custom size in Pages but I don’t know where to begin. The other issue is this: if I create it, can I use it as I just suggested or will the result not pushdown the sidebar or in some other way corrupt the webpage? BTW, I’m ok to remove the sidebar on this one webpage if that’s possible…keep in mind, I’m not a from-scratch coder. Any ideas are welcome Jessy…even “forget it Tom, wait till you can hire a web designer to work with.” Suggestions?? If you ck the previous link you’ll see what I mean…
Thanx Tom
-another continuation as the Reply Comment Box is missing after Eric’s last comment on this issue.
Hello Eric
Thanx for your comments re: the Header. Yes I believe you’re correct but I set-up Genesis about 2-years ago and I don’t recall anything from that experience…except extreme caution. An update: a trusted acquaintance is assisting me from afar. He moved my site to a server he controls and immediately the site’s erratic behavior ceased. Pingdom load time dropped from 10secs to 2.5secs to NYC & Dallas. Exactly where it was prior to the “event” on Sept 9-10th. The issues noted by Pingdom/webpagetest can now be addressed.
Thank you as Always Eric…I’ll update this forum when this is resolved and my site is safely parked in a new home.
Morning Wes,
Thanx for yur response. I don’t believe it’s the theme either. Site loads fast here in Tokyo too, but navigation stops after 3 Pages. Turned-off all plugins, cleaned site & Safari cache, opened site, behavior is the same. eNews widget & Header both png taking extremely long time to pull from server according to webpagetest & pingdom. No idea why.
Wes… it has been suggested I load WP theme 2012 and test the operation w/without plugins. If I do that, will Legacy re-open as it is? I don’t want to lose the work I’ve put in.
Thank you once again for always being there.
Morning Eric,
Thanx for taking the time to educate me a bit. I used the cmnd-F and voila! there it was. entered the code, then played around with color and finally settled on this: border: 1px solid #000; which also gave me side-borders. Perfect solution. I will investigate css editing programs as you suggested.
Thanx again Eric.
Hi Eric from a toasty Tokyo,
Thanx for your response. OK so here’s an admission after all this time learning how to adjust my CSS. When you or Wes give me some directions along with “near line 365 in your css.” I actually don’t know how to find line 365…and always felt foolish asking. So today, as usual, I go down the CSS listings searching for .menu li, and I discover a bunch of items that begin with .menu li and I don’t know which one is the right one to even begin adjusting. I don’t know what CSS code I should enter figuring the info that’s there will guide me. But today i came up empty handed/headed. Sorry bout that.
Can you please…really please, tell which ‘.menu li’ I should adjust (and maybe how to locate it) and what CSS code should I enter to get the border or separation you wrote about. 3X’s thanx.
Hi Wes,
Thanx for taking the time to respond and correct my lack of attention to detail in the code. It is a bit off since I haven’t been in the editor for quite awhile. I’ll be attentive in the future. Hope you’re having a pleasant summer… Tom
Morning from Tokyo Wes,
Phone was off all nite and here’s what I can give you to work with this a.m.:
I have never needed to fiddle with the Mobile part of the Legacy CSS until I put in the code you sent. I put the code into the are below this Line:
/* Responsive Design
———————————————————— */
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
And it now reads:
#header .widget-area {
float: none
margin-bottom: 20px;
padding: 0 20px 10px;
I did see that further down the code there is this line:
@media only screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 960px) {
And below it, this line:
#header .widget-area {
margin-bottom: 20px;
padding: 0 0 10px;
Should they be the same settings or not…. As you know, I don’t have a clue.
Maybe I should reset the upper to the original setting?
Let me know. I’ve just checked my phone after it was sitting off overnite and the Pages render perfectly side-to-side in Landscape, as does the Header Navigation. The issue is only with the Header Widget.
Thanx Wes.
Hi Eric,
I’m seeing this effect on my Pages not my Posts…strange. The two unique things I have seen on my Pages are: the consistent change of font size to 14pt, from whatever it was, and also when I re-write the code in my Dashboard/Text view, if I haven’t chosen a specific hex color(#…) then I see something like this: RGB (0) (0) (0) – now it may not be exactly like that but that’s what I remember. Anyway I’ll send this off to Studio Press tonite or tomorrow and see what they say. All I have to begin with was Genesis 1.9.2 and Legacy so whatever…
Any ideas??
Hi Wes,
Thanx for your response. Well I went to the area you indicated and adjusted the information this way:
#header .widget-area {
float: none
margin-bottom: 20px;
padding: 0 20px 10px;
The result is: the widget text, on my iPhone, moves down below the screen, one-half a line, and to the left, off the screen, 2 letters.
So I was gonna play with the numbers but thought better of it. What’s the thing to do?
Hi, sorry, forgot to add the reply by email and site: http://www.tomjdolan.com
Thanx Eric and the upgrade went very well. Easier than I had imagined.
Thanx kronos.
Hi Wes,
OK, so now I am more then a bit embarrassed. Ever go to a doctor with a pain somewhere but by the time you got into the doctor’s office the pain was gone? So now, after a week of really difficult times with a distorted header, missing text and more… the Header is actually working now and I just don’t know why. I inserted an image-widget into the header widget and the image displayed correctly; then I added text into the widget and it didn’t distort the entire header which was happening; then I used html to change the text size & color and it also didn’t distort the header which happened yesterday again; then I removed the image-widget and replaced it with a text-widget and added html to change the text size & color and there it is sitting on my website and really Wes… I just don’t understand this at all. Things are settled down I guess…
I really apologize because I’m not one to waste your time and I thank you for the time you’ve given to me. Now while I have your eyes here,
I planned to upgrade Genesis to the latest version over the holidays when things get slow. I didn’t realize that there was a new version of Legacy until very recently. Is there any reason to upgrade my Legacy version to the latest version?
Thank you Wes,
Have an enjoyable Holiday Season and a successful New Year,
Tom Dolan
Gee Wes,
So quik response… well right now I’d like the option of some image in the widget, but at this moment I’d just like to insert some encouraging message to visitors. I had both a pic + text in the Genesis image widget and I could html the text for size & color. Now I’ve lost that ability… really sorry to bother you with this.
Thanx Wes
ps/ site link looks weird!
That’s ez enuf…thanx Wes.
Hi Wes,
I followed your suggestion with the Header. My results were mixed and I adjusted a few settings: 1st I added the padding: 10px 0; to the #title. and that didn’t work as I wanted so I removed it. Then I added the same to the #title area{ and that was better but the results of the padding only seemed to increase the spacing above the title text not below the tag line text. It looked better with more space separating the Title from the Upper Nav bar.
Then I increased the padding in the #header widget area{ from 10 to 20 and that lowered the Image & text of the header right widget which looks better.
So, I can live with the appearance for now. I forget that each element of the site seems to have it’s own settings, so if I wanted to increase the space below the tag line, can I locate the tag line and add padding to it?
Ok, as usual, you’ve been great Wes…thanx.
Hi Wes,
Thanx for the response, and that worked just fine. The result looks like the main title area between the top nav bar and the bottom nav bar has decreased. It may only appear that way when in fact it didn’t change. So if I now want to increase the overall height of the Header, can I do that? And if I change the header height, can I keep the Header text centered?
Thanx for the support,
Have a Happy Thanksgiving…the news here in Japan sez you folks might be in for some stormy days,
Be safe,
Thanx Wes, I’ll look into it and if I try it, I’ll let you know the results.
Hello Eric,
Prior to relocating from LA to tokyo I was a volunteer Reader-Recorder in my home studio producing recorded books-n-periodicals for the Braille Institute in LA. I averaged between 20-25 hours per month and found it was always well received. I’m a big supporter of volunteer activities…thanx for your effort.
The situation with my website is not slo-2-load. Actually it loads quite quickly, the issue is with the Title line, H1, showing up after all the other Header text + a photo appear. Anyway, I’ll take your advice and at a later time, after this website has had enough exposure and I know what I need, I’ll locate someone much more capable than me and let that person clean-up the code and other small issues I see.
Thanx from Tokyo,
Tom Dolan
Morning Wes,
Thanx for the info…I sometimes forget all the stuff available @ studiopress. Actually it was a comment on the forums that gave me the solution. Use Simple Edits plugin, which I have installed. Worked like magic.
After reading many opinions about dates on Posts, I figured that the info on my site is not Date relevant and so removing the Date removes one more reason to ignore, skip, or reject some otherwise valid information…IMHO.
Thanx Wes,
Hi Wes,
It did work….but I didn’t like it as much as your original style. So, I removed a word, the title shortened, it looks fine, it’s not a 2-line button and I’m fine with it. Thanx for your help.
Hi Wes,
“text folds down one line” is my term for what I’m seeing as a difference of the appearance of the Button on my iMac when compared to the Mobile version.
Let me show you graphically:
iMac Button & Text: Coaching Program fees & faq’s – all the text is on one line
Mobile Button & Text: Coaching Program fees &
——————————————faq’s –the text drops down to a 2nd line and centered in the Button.
In the Mobile version, 2 of the 3 Buttons have text forced down to another line, and when the text is forced to the 2nd line, the background color of that line is different than the color of the 1st line of text above it. So,
As all 3 Buttons are almost identical in width, I thought I could adjust the padding inside the Button to allow more text inside the button. That would remove the need for a Button with 2 text lines and it would eliminate the color difference between line #1 & line #2. On the other hand,
If I can’t adjust the Button to accept more text without creating 2 lines of text in Mobile…that’s OK too. In that case, I’d like to color correct the backgrounds of the 2 lines so they are the same color. So what I’m wondering: is either of those adjustments possible?
here’s the Page: http://tomjdolan.com/online-training-2/
Thanx Wes,
ps/ this is an edit: I couldn’t show you in this text box the correct positioning of the word faq’s because this program reconfigured my spacing, so I added the ——- to give you an idea of how it’s rendering on Mobile.
Hi Wes,
That solved the problem,
Thank you,
Hi Wes,
Gees, I thoroughly misunderstood the size. Yes, of course, I narrowed the sidebar to give me more separation from the Content area. I narrowed the Content from 580 to 575 just as a test, prior to this email to you.
BTW, how wide could I increase the Content area before the width negatively affected the Mobile version?
OK, Thank you Wes.
Hi Wes,
Thanx for the code.
Mornin’ Wes,
I tried that yesterday but that change moves both the primary and the secondary nav bars. They essentially “flip” like a photo. I would like to flip the nav bar above the Header and leave the primary nav bar alone. Can they be repositioned independently?
Thanx Wes… good thought. I’ll post there later today.
That’s one solution. A main feature of the site are the videos which I have always embedded from YouTube and I imagine I’ll continue that procedure. If I narrow the content area the result might not be good for the videos.
Well, in lieu of having my main content are look like a newspaper column I think I’ll leave well-enuf alone for the moment.
Thanx Eric.
Well, frankly I don’t know what’s possible. I figure that the site was originally designed with certain functional & esthetic goals in mind. So,
If the width of the entire site is increased, how does that affect the look of the mobile version? I don’t know.
When I updated Genesis to the latest version I remember seeing some mention of ‘now it’s wider’ but I didn’t think much about it at the time. Since then,
I’ve thought I’d like a bit more empty space between the content and the right sidebar but I don’t know how to achieve that. And too, I wonder if a change like that would also effect the Header width which I might also like. A wider content area? probably not the goal now.
Essentially I’m going for a more open uncluttered look….your suggestions are appreciated Eric.
Well that’s interesting. I checked again after I saw your message and it was still there. So I played around with the padding a bit more, but I couldn’t get a change. I have an iPhone and when I turn it on its’ side I don’t have the issue. But not to be concerned because I altered the text in the box and for some reason it renders just fine now. Thanx Wes.
Helpful, always considerate.
I posted on the WP forums today to see if I can generate some discussion and figure out why the difference in files that I’m downloading. But that’s not your issue, and so unless I figure out something enormously useful for other forum readers here, I’m done with this issue.
Thank you so much,
I’ll work on it today. I’ve examined the html code of both files as they appear in the Dashboard and they appear to be structured identically. There may be some issue in the Media Library I’m unaware of and I’ll check out that issue in the WordPress forums.
One last item and I’m outta here. The Green Arrow is a png image…can it be styled? If so, is it styled in the line of code of the image, or, is the image changed, and if so, where does the image originate?
Thanx Wes, you’ve always been helpful and patient.
Tom Dolan
Hi Wes, another PS/
I was just looking at the code for the Buttons and I want to be sure that I’m linking to the correct item in the html for the download box.
Today I’ve been linking the media files to the Text that replaces ‘This is a Download Box”… I’ve tried the url for the media file, even the permalink..
hope this helps…
Hello from Tokyo,
Well the Dropdown Box doesn’t want to cooperate today… so it seems. Although I have been working on the css dropload-box, the css changes I’ve made, which look ok, are not reflected in the box on the Page. So I’ve figured out that styling the box in the Dashboard html by adding, font, color & size, I get the result on the Page. Not sure why, but I can live with it. As far as the Green arrow goes.
I like the Arrow. It’s a png. image and the code sits on the line of the box background, which I’ve changed to grey, but I can’t see a way to change the color green. But, Most frustrating today is this,
I can’t seem to find the correct link to attach to a file so it downloads. I either get a link to the page on my site, or I get an html page in my computer download folder and it can’t be opened. I am pulling files from my media library and I only have about 12 items in there. Totally confused here. Really, all I want to do at this time is be able to download audio files and corresponding pdf’s.
Well it’s saturday here now, winter is still around but the sun shines, and I’ve got a weekend to sort this out with any luck.
Thanx for the help.
Hi Wes, Here’s a PS the above message.
I began working with the Download Box this eve. I discovered that the Box contains a Font Style that I’m not familiar with. I attempted to change it in the css but didn’t find a way to do it. If you visit the page with this link: http://tomjdolan.com/test-page/?preview=true&preview_id=5570&preview_nonce=7cb6fa7ccf you’ll see the font. Also you’ll see that the font color changes from gray to black (which I set,) but it only affects the text between the downloaded media files, not the file text itself. I think it’s kinda odd. Anyway,
I’d like to replace the green arrow with the Red I use throughout the site but I didn’t discover a way. If I have to keep it, I can do that. Additionally, I wanted to put an audio file and a pdf in the same box. The idea being that I write it, then record it, and the visitor/client can download them from the same location. Now this may not be possible with this box and if not, I need to know that now rather then later…
Hope I’ve given you enuf info to assist me.
Tom Dolan tomjdolan.com
OK Wes,
So once again revealing my new-ness to all things code, I loaded several different items into the Download Box in an attempt to get it to ‘work’. Everytime I selected the Green Arrow ….. nothing happened. It took a few tries and it finally dawned on me what you meant by “it’s basically just a background.”
But once I got it, I got it.
Thanx again Wes.
Morning Wes,
While snapping pics of the Tokyo Marathon running past our Building this morning, I did adjust the css and it works well.
Thank you so much,
Hi Wes,
So I added the code you suggested into the php. functions file, and it looks like this:
// Add “Read More” link
add_filter( ‘excerpt_more’, ‘custom_read_more_link_2’ );
add_filter( ‘get_the_content_more_link’, ‘custom_read_more_link_2’ );
add_filter( ‘the_content_more_link’, ‘custom_read_more_link_2’ );
function custom_read_more_link_2() {
return ‘… <a class=”more-link” href=”‘ . get_permalink() . ‘” rel=”nofollow”>[Read More]</a>’; –I added these brackets– [ ] to the text.
As I didn’t blow-up my site, I was relieved. Then I added, my code creation to my css:
/* Read More Link
———————————————————— */
.more-link {
font-size: 14px;
font-color: #a80202;
Frankly Wes, I thought my css. looked as if you had done it…unfortunately it didn’t change much on the front end. What I saw was the addition of the Brackets, which is kinda neat, but no font change in size or color. So apparently my css is lacking something…what do you think Wes?
Thanx for all your assistance,
Hi Wes,
Mornin’ from Tokyo. I looked the StudioPress code and saw that you’ve modified it a bit. When you say rename it, what do I rename? You’ve named it
>Read More< while StudioPress sez >[Continue Reading]<
So when I rename it, do I rename the top line of the code or the words within the brackets on the last line: >Read More< or >[Continue Reading]< or both locations? The reason I ask is that I will want to add a Portfolio Page in the future. Also,
When I add the code into my theme, I assume it goes into the php. functions, and if so, do I add it at the top of the functions code or do you suggest some other location within the functions list? Next,
Where is the best placement location in the css? And also, if I rename the code, does the css identifier .more-link still work in the css?
Thanx so much Wes,
Tom tomjdolan.com
Thanx Wes,
Completed the Genesis upgrade then watched the State of the Nation live….both went very well.
Happy in Tokyo,
Mornin’ Wes,
Yes and I tried it and it works…but the issue is not yours really, it’s with the box I created around the eNew extended widget. Actually I discovered the code on the Studio Press forums and ‘borrowed’ it. I could get it styled as far as you see it and I’m ok with the look, but then I realized the bottom border was too close to the next widget below.
Your solution works but then it spaces out all the others down-line. So I want to shorten the red border and I can’t figure out what element to change…I’ve tried them all and no luck. I’ll go hang-out at the other forums and see if I can encourage a response. Really Wes, you’ve been great.
Tom tomjdolan.com