Reply To: Are Appfinite themes Gen 2.0 compatible

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    These will be subtle/minor design changes. Everything will be mostly the same though. Just added a few enhancements. I hope to be able to show some of the differences soon…..but again, it won’t be anything drastic as far as the design goes.

    Also, I have a changelog I plan to update here –

    Yes everything will be different since the Genesis 2.0 Markup is different than the old. So definitely backup and save your work. If you’ve already made a lot of changes then it would be best to manually update/convert your theme to HTML5. Here are some resources -

    This theme was completely redeveloped based on Genesis 2.0 from scratch. So think of this as a brand new theme with brand new code on the backend….but the design of it is still the same, just enhanced in a few areas.