Would need a bit more info in order to know what’s going on. Which chat bot are you referring to?
Is it something that can be tested quickly? Is it a shortcode? Plugin?
I doubt that it’s the child theme causing the issue since the child theme just handles the design. Adding a plugin, shortcode, or whatever won’t be affected by the child theme itself unless you’ve added custom code that could possibly affect it.
Also, Genesis Child themes don’t contain footer.php files, the Genesis Framework itself is what is supposed to handle that. If you want to add something to the footer file, then you would have to either hook it in through functions file, or add it to the Genesis Theme Settings page in the script section. You could also use a plugin to add this code in as well.
If it works in Genesis, it will definitely work in Aspire, as well as just about any other Child theme since it’s the Genesis Framework that handles all of the work “under the hood”.