Header slo-2-load

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      I ran a Google speed test on my site loading time. They came up with 7:45 secs, suggested it was too slow and I should attempt to speed it up.

      Since I discovered Pingdom about 2 months ago, I check my site loading time on their 3 sites about once per week. Although I’ve learned that the load times very quite a bit depending on time of day and day of the week, one fact consistently appears in the results. The Header takes longer to load than most of the items listed in the Pingdom report. So,

      Today using a stopwatch, I timed the actual Header loading time on my iPhone. When my site first appears on the iPhone, I see the Red background, the tag line in white text, the right-side widget with a small photo with some white text to the right of the photo. You can see it here:  tomjdolan.com

      Purposely, it’s a simple Header. No Logo, Graphics, or large photos. Yet always, the actual Title of my website which is Performance of Speaking, never appears with the other elements when the site opens. My stopwatch sez it takes an additional 3.16 secs for the Header Title Text to show up for the party.

      Now, I haven’t the faintest idea if this is the only cause of the site’s slow loading time, but in terms of meeting Visitor expectations, I think it falls short and I’d like to speed it up. Anything I can tweak, adjust, modify, add, subtract to make this better?

      Thanx again from Tokyo where Winter can’t find the Exit,

      Tom Dolan


        I’d be the wrong person to ask since I don’t have much experience with site speed/performance. I would ask a question like this over at the StudioPress Community forums to see if there are any experts who can offer some suggestions.


          Thanx Wes… good thought. I’ll post there later today.



            You’re Welcome

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