Add this code to your style.css file. You can add it anywhere, but if you want to add it to the home-featured-posts section you can paste it around line 787.
.home-featured-posts .featuredpost {
clear: none;
float: left;
width: 215px;
Since you’re doing it this way, you probably noticed the widget titles are pushed to the right a little bit because of the margin. To fix this you would simply decrease the left margin for the – “.home-featured-posts .featuredpost .widgettitle” which can be found in the same section of your css around line 805 or so (maybe a bit further down once you add the above code)
Change this –
.home-featured-posts .featuredpost .widgettitle {
margin: 0 0 20px 20px;
To this –
.home-featured-posts .featuredpost .widgettitle {
margin: 0 0 20px 0;