Homepage Setup?

Homepage Community Forums Skope Theme Support Homepage Setup?

  • This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Wes.
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  • #1498

      Hey Wes, how is the homepage setup for the Skope theme? I’m pretty much just trying to mimic the demo. I would assume it’s pulling in posts, but not sure how. Thanks!


        It shows your latest posts, and if you take a look at the home.php file you’ll see that its set up similar to the portfolio template.


          How do I keep the content from displaying there? I only want the featured image to show on the homepage. Here’s the site I’m working on: http://colintierneydesign.com/

          Also, is there a way to filter what category displays on the homepage?


            I was planning on adding the same options from the portfolio to the home.php file.  Not sure when I’ll get to it, but if you don’t want to wait, you could go ahead and copy the portfolio code at the bottom of the functions file and rename those functions to match whats in the home.php file in order to separate them from the portfolio.


              Wow, that actually worked. So from here, how do I keep the content/expert/title/etc. from displaying on the homepage? I’m trying to get the site to look similar to this Tumblr site: http://aws.tumblr.com/, so the only think that needs to display is the featured image.


                Here is an easy way, just add this to your css –

                .home h2 a,
                .home .entry-content {
                display: none;

                The above will target just the title and content of the homepage. There is other ways to do it, but this should be simple enough without having to deal with code.

                I actually have a theme that looks similar to that on the way soon.


                  That works. Thanks Wes. Can’t wait to see the new theme, you just keep putting out some fantastic ones!

                  One more question. I noticed in the stylesheet there is a ‘home feature’, ‘home bottom’, ‘home sidebar’, and ‘home message’ section, but there aren’t any widgets for those areas. Is that just leftover/recycled code from your base theme, or are those sections actually being used for something that I’m missing?


                    No you’re not missing anything.  That css is there in case someone wants to add those widget areas to the theme.  Its more of a shortcut, so less code would have to be written.


                      Got it. Thanks. I may start another thread about changing the logo and nav alignment if you have time. Feel free to close this thread.


                        You’re Welcome

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