How do I use the code for Quote Boxes?

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      Not being a coder I have no idea how I’m supposed to use the code for the quote boxes.

      I’ve copied the code provided on the demo page but I can’t figure out what I’m supposed to do with it 馃檪

      If I want to use the white quote box in my sidebar, how would I do that? I assume it goes into a text widget, but which part of the code goes in?

      Thanks for your help



        Here is the exact code from the demo –

        <div class="quote">"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam."
        <div class="quote-arrow"></div>

        Add the above to your text widget and it should work fine. I also added an image in the demo right under it. To add an image you can do something like this –

        <img src="link_to_your_image.jpg" alt="image title goes here" />

        I adjusted the code in the buttons demo by using github, so it should be easier to read now. You’ll see there are 3 sections for the white, gray, and black… just pick 1 of those to use for your sidebar.


          Thank you Wes, that’s exactly what I needed.



            How can I align it in the center? It allows me to align it on the right or left. When I use align=”middle”, it puts it back on the left.


              There are a couple ways…..You could do it the old way, and wrap it with the “center” tag like this –

              <center>Your Content Goes Here</center>

              Or you could use css and add “margin: 0 auto;” to the .quote class…..which is around line 414 in your style.css file.

              .quote {
              background: #fff;
              border: 1px solid #ddd;
              color: #888;
              margin: auto;
              padding: 20px;
              width: 400px;


                Thank you


                  You鈥檙e Welcome!

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