If you tried uploading your Theme’s zip file to your site and get the “Incompatible Archive” error. Here’s a quick fix –
Apparently WordPress has a bug in version 6.4.3. dealing with Zip Files. They’re currently in the process of fixing it.
Here’s the temporary workaround in case you come across this issue –
First download a Code Snippet plugin. I used the “Code Snippets” plugin.
Next, create a code snippet and add the following code –
add_filter( ‘unzip_file_use_ziparchive’, ‘__return_false’ );
Save the code snippet, then Upload your Theme again and it should work.
The other option is to upload your theme with FTP. Simply extract the zip file on your computer, and then drag the folder to your wp-content / themes folder.
If you need any assistance with this just let me know!
References below –
Bug Reported:
Temporary Fix for Windows and Mac: