Introduction & Granchild Theme

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  • #14822

      Hello there,

      I’m new to the Epik theme. Just purchased it because it fits the neat & professional look I’m looking for my business. I really like the layout and typography, congrats on a really sharp theme.

      I want to do some heavy customizations, because I want to port these websites (I have several of those) to the Epik look & feel:

      The thing is, I need to change a lot of stuff: custom color schemes, header size, internationalization to spanish and so on.

      So I wanted to create a child theme so I could work on it and be able to update to Epik’s future releases without hassle.

      I just found that wordpress does not like grandchild themes. Epik is a child of genesis, so I can’t create an epik theme child. My theme just appears as “Broken” and it says:

      “Broken Theme: The “epik” theme is not a valid parent theme.”

      Googling it out there seems to be hacks for creating a grandchild theme, but it is through a plugin and it doesn’t seem very clean to me.

      Any ideas on how could I customize my theme? How do you guys do it?

      Thanks in advance.

      Miguel Guzman


        I always recommend creating a custom css file and add it to your child theme folder. Then you can link to that css file from your main style.css file.


          Thanks for the answer, kronos. I’m not sure if I understood this (sorry).

          If I create a custom css, and I import it from epik’s style.css, I have to set the “@import custom.css” at the beginning, and thus my modifications are overriden by epik’s css.

          I have tried moving the original epik’s css to another css and importing it, but it doesn’t seem to work well, somehow it seems to lose all layout information.


            Give this link a try – It explains how to add a custom css file which will cause it to have priority and override the default css.

            There are plenty of other tutorials out there if you need more info – ….but that should do it.


              Thanks kronos, the first code on that page worked nicely.

              Loading my css this way has also allowed me to override the skin colors, so I have my custom colors already, so that’s another task done.

              Best regards!

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