Is There a Limit to # of Menu Items Now?

Homepage Community Forums Adapt Theme Support Is There a Limit to # of Menu Items Now?

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    My nav bar has a limit to how many items I can add to my menu. Lost half of the primary nav bar links and whenever I add a new one, the last one on the list disappears.

    I updated to Adapt 1.3 – is this the cause?

    Here’s an example

    Any suggestions?


    Whenever I save a new link in that particular menu it doesn’t save as the primary menu. I have to go back and select that menu as the one located as the primary nav bar.

    It doesn’t seem to happen for other menus.


      I have adapt 1.3 up and running on a test/local install but I’m not having the same issues as you. Which links aren’t showing up? Can you add them so I can take a look at the code source to see what’s going on?

      I noticed you have custom css which makes certain parts of your site look different….for example – the white font on the secondary nav, the submenus aren’t aligned like the demo, etc.

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      That’s too funny – the secondary nav isn’t supposed to be there. Ooops! Left it there by mistake when checking things out.


      I’m thinking that if I have to add all the links again I’m going to try creating a whole new menu and see if that works. Will let you know if there’s still a problem. Thanks so much for your help!


        Sure, let me know

        I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested –


        I’m not sure why the original nav bar didn’t work correctly when I updated the theme, but the new nav bar isn’t giving me the same problems. It seems to be resolved – but made for a lot of extra work!

        Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it. I’m trying to learn all this on the fly – as I need it – but mostly I just know enough to get myself into trouble. . .


          You’re Welcome 🙂

          I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested –

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