Hi! I am setting up the new optimal theme layout on our site and am unclear on which widget area the new front page 6,7,8,9, 10 , and 11 are suppose to be. I can tell Front Page 1 in the slider, Front page 2 is the welcome, Front page 3 is Home Feature 1, Front Page 4 and 5 is Home Feature 1 and 2…. But then front page 6 and 7 in the demo seem to be full width, which seems is only possible in the home body message section? Can you please confirm. Front page 8 seems to be home bottom side bar and front page 9 home featured posts, and then front page 10 and 11 back to home body message area (because it is full width).
Is this info somewhere for me to reference? I am currently using this link to follow: https://appfinite.com/topic/optimal-theme-documentation/ but am not figuring out how Front page 6 and 7 are full width above front page 8and 9 and then front page 10 and 11 go back to full width.
Then, also, we imported the widgets from the demo but the front page 7 (what we do with the blue-ish back ground) and the front page 11 (testimonial section – with the black background) are not displaying a colored background in these sections. Where do we add the color?
I have 2 other questions but will submit via another form/topic. TY in advance!!!