New Responsive legacy theme get an error on WP

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    Please 2 years ago I bought you theme legacy from studio Press… now I would like to update this to responsive and I have downloaded the new version but it doesn’t work! WP get me an error: “Legacy directory not found”

    I notice that in the functions.php file a file /lib/init.php is called but it doesn’t exist…

    Please can you solve this issue so I can work with it?

    Please another question… is there some tutorials or guide to change may old theme with a new responsive with minimal work?

    Many thanks


      Take a look here –

      There shouldn’t be any issues or anything unless you are mixing code from the old version in with the new version. If you’re going to keep some parts of the old version then you’ll need to take a look at the link above. The link above points to other links/tutorials on how to manually convert an older Genesis theme to the latest Genesis 2.0

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      Many thanks Eric… this is a good idea and it seems work fine but I have a big issue because I have customized my theme inserting elements style then I need to correct a lot of pages to restore theme functionality… Please do you know plugin or other that can help me to clean a customized code or I have to find and delete it manually? athanks again Eric


        Yes if you’ve already made a lot of customizations you would have to do it manually, there’s no other way to do it to be honest. Thats just the way Genesis was setup. The new Genesis Framework has a different markup code so you would have to manually change everything to match.

        I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested –

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