Portfolio Page for CPT taxonomies

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      I am trying out the WooCommerce plugin (it is way cool if you have not tried it).  It creates a “product” custom post type with certain taxonomies (like categories, attributes, etc.).  I would like to build a site using this plugin and collect products on portfolio pages.

      I am testing on one of yours.  When i set up the query_args and enter the cat number like “16” it does not work.  I am guessing the theme is looking in a different place to build the portfolio.

      Is there a way to modify the portfolio setup so that I can build portfolio pages using this plugin.  Here is an example of the link to one of the taxonomies that I set up in this custom post type.



        Yes, I’ve been using WooCommerce (for this site) every since it first came out several months ago, but I haven’t done any major customizations with it.  When you purchased the themes here, the entire process was done with WooCommerce (just to give you an idea of how it works).

        If  you take a look at this link – https://appfinite.com/shop/ this is the WooCommerce shop page.  I don’t think you can link the portfolio page with this plugin in an easy way.  If it is possible, it would probably take a lot of effort to customize it.  There is probably an easier way to do it, but you would need to contact the WooCommerce developers to see if they can point you in the right direction.  I would recommend checking out the WooCommerce Documentation/Wiki pages – http://wcdocs.woothemes.com/, as well as their forum –  http://www.woothemes.com/support/?viewforum=150.

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