Pretty Photo in the Portfolio – the video size is too small for mobile version

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  • #10178

      Hey there.

      I am using the Pretty photo Portfolio page to show the video gallery of the blog. Using a custom field I put the Youtube link in the Pretty Photo box. The problem is that on mobile screen the size of pretty photo is too small, and I cannot figure out how to change it in the code. Here is the code I use:

       add_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'epik_prettyPhoto_image' );
      function epik_prettyPhoto_image() {
          $yout = get_field ( 'youtube_url' );
          $img = genesis_get_image( array( 'format' => 'html', 'size' => 'portfolio-thumbnail', 'attr' => array( 'class' => 'alignnone post-image' ) ) );
          printf( '<a href="%s" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="%s">%s</a>', $yout, the_title_attribute('echo=0'), $img );

      Thank you!


        That’s going to be tough to figure out. I’ve had issues with prettyPhoto in the past doing something similar. I ended up just not using it since I could never get it to look right in mobile view. I noticed that Wes is slowly fading it out of his themes since it doesn’t work as elegantly when it comes to mobile. It could just be a prettyPhoto issue itself rather than the theme, since I’ve used it on another theme and had the exact same issue.

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