Primary navigation menu is not right aligned

Homepage Community Forums Skope Theme Support Primary navigation menu is not right aligned

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  • #1879

      Hi Wes. Skope is magnificent. I have a few questions about it, so you will see 2 or 3 different posts from me.

      My corp website, the one I bought Skope for, is WideAreaSecurity dot com

      In the home page of the Skope demo, the navigation menu that contains Columns, Buttons, etc. appears to the far right side, even with the name of the site.

      But on my home page, the primary navigation appears on the left, and it appears below the company logo.

      Is there an easy fix for this? Please dumb down the answer a bit because I am new to WordPress.


        Yes, the reason its showing like that is because you’re using the Primary Menu location……..the demo is actually using the “Header Right” widget area to display the Custom Menu widget.

        First head over to your Genesis Theme Settings page, and then uncheck/deactivate the Primary Menu.

        Next, go to your widgets page and drag the “Custom Menu” widget to the “Header Right” Widget area.


          Thanks, Wes. Very helpful.

          Implemented. Looks good.

          Please consider this issue closed.


            You’re Welcome

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