Remove extra white space below header

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  • #20590
    Alex O

      Hi! Awesome theme!

      I’m having a small issue though. For some reason extra white space is being created between the header and post title (examples: ,

      I’ve tried shrinking it with custom CSS to no avail (maybe didn’t do it correctly). Is this a known issue and is there a fix?

      Appreciate any suggestions!


        Everything seems to be working as it should, but if you want to decrease the space between the header & content, you can edit the margin-top on line 653 in your CSS (It looks like you’ve already made changes to it)

        .site-inner {
        	background-color: #fff;
        	clear: both;
        	margin-top: 75px;
        	position: relative;
        	z-index: 9;
        	-word-wrap: break-word;
        Alex O

          Hi Wes,

          Thank you for the quick reply! The changes in the theme.css file didn’t work for some reason (I tried it before as well), but when I added

          .site-inner {
                   margin-top: 75px;

          to the custom css section of the theme, the white space got removed! Thank you for your help!

          Alex O

            One more question. How do you get rid of the extra white space between the article summaries in content archives like the Blog:

            Thank you!

            Alex O

              Oh, and also I’ve noticed a gap between the end of the article and author’s box – anyway to make it narrower? Thanks!


                “The changes in the theme.css file didn’t work for some reason (I tried it before as well)”

                It was probably your Browser Cache. Anytime you make CSS adjustments you’ll need to clear your Cache if you want the changes to show up Instantly on your end. A quick way to do it is to simply hit your Reload Button on your Browser. That’s how I always do it.

                “How do you get rid of the extra white space between the article summaries in content archives like the Blog”

                Looks like you already figured this one out too. Most of the space is coming from the Entries section (around line 1780) –

                .entry {
                	margin-bottom: 40px;
                	padding: 0;

                It’s originally 100px, but you set it to 40px. Remember to hit your Reload Button if you want to see the CSS changes show up instantly on your browser. I can already see the changes you’ve made on your site.

                “I’ve noticed a gap between the end of the article and author’s box – anyway to make it narrower?”

                The code you edited above handles that as well. The entry code is the same for Blog Posts, and Single Posts. You can separate them to be different if you want, but for now it’s showing up as you have it edited.

                Let me know if this helps.

                Alex O

                  Wes, you are a savior! Thank you!


                    You’re Welcome!

                    Let us know if you run into any other issues.

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