Responsive Not Working Help…

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      The responsive version is not working. I put an exact header sizer image in Epik Theme and it doesn’t Configure to mobile. Is not responsive? look on a phone. It’s cut’s the header logo off if phone is not in landscape mode.



        The Responsive features of the theme are working properly. But you do have a Non Responsive slider that you are using. In order for the slider to respond, it needs to be coded to be responsive by the plugin author/developer.

        You may have already seen it, but you could use the Genesis Responsive Slider if you need something that is responsive out of the box –

        For the header, you have to manually add in the code to make it responsive…..(this is only for images though). This is how all Genesis Themes are setup. You can add – “background-position: center;” for the #header in your responsive sections of the css and the logo will center on mobile devices. That’s one way to do it, there are others, but first give that a try.

        You could skip all of the code and use the Genesis Responsive Header plugin by Nick Croft – and see if that works.

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