Space between widgets

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      I am using Legacy Theme for

      I would like to reduce space between widgets in Sidebar widget area. How can I do so?


        To adjust your sidebar widget space, take a look around line 1465 in your css file, or do a search for this –

        .sidebar .widget {
        margin: 0 0 15px;
        padding: 0 0 15px;

        You can adjust the bottom margin and padding (the third numbers 15px and 15px). This will adjust the space between widgets on your sidebar. If you are talking about the homepage widget/sidebars (which is different) then let me know.


          Hi Wes,

          I, too, was looking at the widget spacing in my sidebar. I have only one sidebar configuration that appears on every Page including the Home/Video page. So, it seems that adjusting one…adjusts them all. If not, then what is your suggestion?




            Yes if you adjust the code from above it will adjust all of the widgets in your sidebar. Is that what you were asking, or were you referring to something different?


              Thank you for your answer.

              What if I want to reduce space for the Home Widget Area?


                Mornin’ Wes,

                Yes and I tried it and it works…but the issue is not yours really, it’s with the box I created around the eNew extended widget. Actually I discovered the code on the Studio Press forums and ‘borrowed’ it. I could get it styled as far as you see it and I’m ok with the look, but then I realized the bottom border was too close to the next widget below.

                Your solution works but then it spaces out all the others down-line. So I want to shorten the red border and I can’t figure out what element to change…I’ve tried them all and no luck.  I’ll go hang-out at the other forums and see if I can encourage a response. Really Wes, you’ve been great.





                  If you take a look around line 698 in your css you’ll see something like this –

                  #home-bottom {
                  margin: 0 auto 0;
                  padding: 40px 0 0;
                  overflow: hidden;

                  You can change the top padding (the number 40) to 10 or 20px and that will decrease the space between the welcome and the home bottom widgets.

                  To decrease the space between the home bottom message widget that says “Call Now” and the Footer Widgets area, look for .home #content around line 920 –

                  .home #content {
                  padding: 40px 0 0;

                  and then change the 40px to 10 or 20 or whichever number will work best for you.


                    Hi Wes,

                    I understand how to reduce space between welcome and home bottom widget.

                    I would like to know how to reduce space between two widget in the same Bottom widget.

                    Please take a look at There are two widgets in the Home Bottom #2 and I tried to reduce space between these but I don’t know how to.

                    Also, for the second widget in the Home Bottom #2, I am using <ul><li> but bullets don’t appear and space between the lines are too big. Please let me know how to show bullets and reduce the line space.

                    Always thank you.


                      The extra space is actually coming from the .featured-page/post widget itself. It has 30px of margin-bottom. If you decrease this, then it should be enough. Look around line 1531 or search for this –

                      .featuredpage .page,
                      .featuredpost .post {
                      margin: 0 0 30px;
                      overflow: hidden;
                      padding: 0;

                      ….and edit the 30px to whatever you need, and see if that is enough.

                      For the bullet points, look around line 755 for this – #home-bottom ul li and you can make your adjustments from there. If you need more assistance with this, just create a new thread and I can help you get it setup.


                        Thank you.

                        It is working so well..


                          You’re Welcome!

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