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Legacy Customize Menu shows Header Text Color & Header Color. Text Color changes but Header doesn’t respond. How can I work this out? Thanx.
Do you have a link so we can see what the issue is?
I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested – ericsanchez1585@gmail.com
Hi Eric,
Thanx for responding to my 1st Post for assistance. I’m not sure what link you’d like me to send over. The Legacy Header has a custom feature that appears on a Drop down Menu. it asks for html#color for both text and background. When I input a color for text which I did today, it changed from black to the red now visable on the site. But, when I input a background color, nothing changed leaving the background white.
My site is at: tomjdolan.com
I hope that helps but if you need more info, please ask.
When I mentioned “Link” I was referring to the URL to your Website (which is tomjdolan.com).
The reason the background doesn’t show is because the “wrap” has a color (white) that shows up on top of whatever background color you choose in the appearance area by default. To remove this (so the other color shows up) you’ll need to go into your css file and remove the “background-color: #fff;” on or around line 183 in your style.css file.
It will look like this –
#wrap {
background-color: #fff;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested – ericsanchez1585@gmail.com
Good Morning Eric,
Merry Christmas on this bright and Cold day in Tokyo.
I did locate and apply your suggestion. I chose a Dark Grey, and when I checked my site, the entire site became dark grey, not just the Header. I am attempting to have a different color Header from a White Body. Again, I used the Appearance>Themes>Customize feature in Legacy and curiously, the Drop-down Menu lists under Colors: Header Text Color, and, Background Color. These appear in one box and so I thought they both referred to the Header.
Below that box in the Menu is: Background Image. Frankly, I don’t know how to use that, but I’ll learn if I need to.
Please, when you’re free, advise how to proceed…I know it’s the Holidays so I don’t want to seem ‘demanding’.
Thanx for your assistance Eric,
Tom Dolan
The background feature is actually a WordPress feature (not really a Legacy feature)…..and its for the entire background (or “body”) of your site. There is no background “color” option specifically for the Header alone, you can only add a background image and change the text color of the header.
In another thread, Wes recommended adding the following code to your functions.php file –
/** Before Header Wrap */
add_action('genesis_before_header', 'before_header_wrap');
function before_header_wrap() {
echo '<div class="head-wrap">';
/** After Header Wrap */
add_action('genesis_after_header', 'before_after_wrap');
function before_after_wrap() {
echo '</div>';
Then add this to your style.css file –
.head-wrap {
background: #ff0000;
You can change the background color to whatever you want.
The #header is only 960px width, so if you add color it won’t fill up the entire space and you would have white on the sides of the header. This is why you should add the above code since it will add a “wrap” behind the header making the background color full width.
I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested – ericsanchez1585@gmail.com
Hello Eric,
Thank you so much for this guidance. Before I insert this code, I must state that this is the first time I’ll be touching .php files. As this is in the functions.php files, should I enter the code exactly as it appears in your message? I ask because when I examine .php code it looks different then css code.
I’ll look at the functions.php file now and see if I can locate the correct insertion point.
Thanx for sticking with this,
Tom Dolan
Hi Eric,
Opened Functions.php and pasted the code where it might belong, then I looked at the css and all entries under Header were #entries, so I looked further down to this:
/* Image Header – Full Width——————- */ and because the entries were .head entries, inserted the code here.
.head-wrap {background: #ff0000;}
This resulted in getting automatically a Brite Red Header, (that I didn’t choose), but with White Text (that I could select), and a full page Background of Dark Grey, but I could also change the Background to White. I can’t believe that I’ve got some Control over this at last. Yea!
Please advise if I put the code in the wrong place. In the meantime, I’ll look for a way to change the Header Background Color, which at the moment isn’t responding as I expect it to.
I don’t know if it’s Xmas yet where you are, but you’re making my day into something special…
Tom Dolan
Checking my site results this am, and I discovered that the above code-fix did give me the ability to choose a different Header Color which is great. Further checking and I discovered that the Header color was now in the ’email subscribe’ button, and the ‘previous shows’ select button, both in footer widgets. I managed to change the ’email button’ back to white, but not the ‘previous shows’ yet. I’ll keep searching.
The biggest surprise is the change in all the boxes of the ‘Fast Secure Contact Form’ which has been white for 3 years. Yikes. How can I disconnect the Header Color from these other boxes?
Thanx again,
my site if you care to check: tomjdolan.com
Wait a Minute Please! About the above Post #2184, I just discovered that the above mentioned boxes in the Secure Contact Form are now White…the problem is I don’t know what I did to change anything, and I just hate when something changes for the good-or-bad and I don’t know why. Anyway,
for your interest I was adjusting the Header from float: left, to, float: center, just to see if it still increased in Height, but since I added the color, it hasn’t changed height. So I wrote it back to float: left. Then checking around to see if I destroyed anything else I saw that all the Red boxes had turned White??
I’m happy with the result as long as I didn’t infect the code with a site flu or something.
So unless there’s some emergency message that I need to know, please forget the above and Thanx for your help.
Ton Dolan
I’m just catching up since I was out for the holidays and there was a lot to read here which sort of made things a little confusing. Are you having different issues other than the original request? If so, you’ll need to create a separate topic/thread. This makes it easy on us so we can properly manage and organize threads without them piling up with too much content or off topic issues. (Wes mentioned this in the rules if you haven’t seen it already – https://appfinite.com/topic/forum-rules/)
I took a quick look at your site and it looks like you got everything working fine (unless I’m missing something). If you need to change the background color of the “head-wrap” code I gave you earlier, you can find the hex code (color) at a site like this – http://www.colorpicker.com/ (6 digit letters/numbers at the top).
If you’re original issue has been solved I’ll go ahead and close this thread and we can take of your other issues on a separate thread.
I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested – ericsanchez1585@gmail.com